Anne Rynearson
Statement of Practice

Engaging in the of making things is a process of thinking, an act of desire, and a kind of alchemical revelation. The form and meaning of my work is born of out the materials and processes of painting, drawing and printmaking.
I work in series, developing relationships among pieces over a period of years; through this practice, stories, forms and patterns of imagery emerge.
I am interested in the intersection of reality and fantasy expressed through symbolism and abstraction.  My current work (2023-2024) explores the curation of female-selves through our combined physical (body) and non-physical presences (spiritual, intellectual and emotional states). I am exploring the duality that exists in self-expression in the context of contemporary culture with references to mythological narratives, spirituality and personal experience.

Archived series statements:
Alt-Scape (2018-2015) ︎︎︎
Liminal Realities + Enigmatic Constructs (2023-2018) ︎︎︎